sâmbătă, 29 august 2015

August 2015 Shiki Kukai

Free Format Theme: 
above the path
Ana Drobot
Bucharest, Romania
(0,1,3) = 5 pts
**So few words; so much meaning!
**Ah, that longing we all experience and as the expression goes: longing for the stars. And there above the path is Orion (visible throughout the world) – the hunter – trying to find what is being longed after, in this case perhaps love, but it could be anything, physical, emotional, intellectual.

marți, 25 august 2015

Africa Haiku Network - Haiku feature for today 25 08 15

Africa Haiku Network one bloody hell of haiku justifying the potency of blackness or darkness. Perhaps iterating the fact that all color types both human and nature blends to one point of blackness when we finally pass on
